The Humbling Teamwork of Bringing a Book to Market

Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

When I used to picture the magical land of book publishing, I imagined hurried editors running up and down long hallways, publishers in long, black robes banging gavels on wide, mahogany desks and proclaiming, “Yes! Send this brilliant book to market!” or else “No! Guilty of bad writing! Reject!”

In my mind, the graphic designers all wore funky glasses and loudly patterned shirts, and the whole team worked near a giant room that held a massive printing press, a la Gutenberg.

Apparently I watched too much Newsies as a child.

Now that I am getting my first real peak into the publishing world, I’ve discovered I was right about one thing: it definitely takes a team.

From the first days I signed with the publisher I’ve been amazed and humbled at the group of folks dedicated to making sure this book–my first!–is the very best that it can be.

My editors help me polish paragraphs and ideas and citations, worrying about page numbers and layout and the table of contents.

Just last week I received a mock up of the (probable) final cover art for the book and when I opened the email there were tears.

“What’s wrong?” Daryl asked.

“My book cover!” I said. “I… I love it!” It’s an incredible feeling to know that while I’ve been going about my daily life, raising kids and ministering at church and buying groceries, there are artists, editors, marketers, and publishers out there at work on my behalf.

I’m so humbled, and so grateful. If it doesn’t take a village, it does take at least a small bus full!

The book comes out in early 2019 and we officially have a title! Uncluttered: Free Your Space, Free Your Schedule, Free Your Soul. It’s the story of our family’s journey from too much to just enough, from feeling the squeeze at every turn to creating more space to follow Jesus.

Coming soon (or, you know, in seven-ish months) to a bookstore near you!

When have you been humbled by the work of others on your behalf?

4 thoughts on “The Humbling Teamwork of Bringing a Book to Market

    1. Aw, thanks! I can’t believe I’m actually going to get to hold it in my hands in a few months. I don’t think I’ll fully believe it until it happens!


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